Thursday, March 24, 2011

Orchids in March

Onc. Chaculatun " Golden Pacific"
I don't grow or have this orchid, but I was lucky enough to get it from this month's raffle.

Onc. Sherry Baby and Cymbidium. Below is Onc."Hawaii sunset." These three orchids along with other BCOS members' orchids were in the SEPOS (Southeast Pennsylvania Orchid Society) International Orchid Show this weekend in Longwood Garden.

Left: Cattleya (name unknown). Small cluster flowers, it skipped blooming last year. I think I neglected it a little bit last summer.
Right: Dendrobium (I lost the name). It is blooming for the first time, but it only has one flower. Maybe lacking sun?
Both orchids were given to me by two friends who divided their orchids a couple years ago.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Arrangement With Flowers Only

This arrangement requires two or more kinds of flowers. My various kinds of flowers were a Cattleya orchid and deep purple carnations that match the orchid's lip color. For the color contrast I chose yellow gladiolus plus some baby's breath. I arranged them carefully into a black vase. I love my composition.

Lc. Hallo wedding "Carmen"
I cut off one flower from the back of this orchid without hesitation because I want it for my arrangement with flowers only (see above picture). (3/16/2011)

Only One Kind of Material

Forsythia is the only kind of material to be used for today's arrangement. It can become boringly dull, so I forced the plant into flowering a couple weeks ago and chose a different type of container, together it looks more vivid. The teacher said it needs a little bit more dimension.

Left is my Gladiolus, one kind of material I arranged, the idea was from my teacher's inspiration last time.
Right is my teacher's demo piece. How can I think about using containers to do one kind of material arrangement? I was amazed! (3/16/2011)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Philadelphia International Flower Show #3

As a volunteer for the Philadelphia International Flower Show, I was at the America Orchid Society table to help out. So I had the chance to see so many beautiful things and to take some pictures.
These #1. 2. 3. are only a small portion of them.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Philadelphia International Flower Show #1

"Spring Time in Paris" is this year's theme