Thursday, June 20, 2024

Friends Remembering Friends

June/18/2024 was the last class of the season. It was a lovely ending to our year of ikebana with so many memories of friends, they were no longer with us. Our arrangements were expressions of what ikebana means to each of us, and sharing the memories of our friends in Ikebana. We all had a wonderful and meaningful time!  

My arrangement was expression my memory to a friend who was always dear to me in the class room. I would like to used her wood structure which I owned through raffles during her memorial service two years ago. I missed her!
The wood structure was made by Midori Sensei 

The back view 

My first attempted design 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Feverfew and Blue Crystal Bowl

Actually, feverfew is an herb; you can make tea from it, fresh or dried. It has been called “medieval aspirin” or aspirin of the 18th century.” Feverfew is used mostly to treat headaches. Do you believe it or not?!

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Purple Japanese Iris

The yellow and white Japanese irises are gone, only few purple Japanese irises remaining. But tiny white “feverfew” flowers are just starting to bloom, which are spreading a lot more this year. I think they are an invasive plant! (6/1/2024)