Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Longwood Gardens Orchid Show - The Ghost Orchid

March is a peak blooming month for many spectacular orchids. It is the main season for flower and orchid shows as well.

Longwood Gardens International Orchid Show and Sale from March 23-25, 2012. In collaboration with SEPOS.
The Bucks County Orchid Society exhibit at Longwood Gardens was outstanding. During the time we were in our display area, many compliments were received and a lot of photos were taken (esp. of the ghost orchid). I had two orchids displayed there too.

The pictures shown below are the orchids from other societies. There were so many orchids, I only posted a few of them.

The right picture is Lycastes. Lycastes is prized for its remarkable triangular flowers and exquisite fragrances. Lycastes virginalis bears showy and colorful flowers and its alba form is the national flower of Guatemala.


  1. Who grew the ghost orchids? They are exquisite and so difficult to grow domestically. I have photographs at my website www.dkchristi.com Keith Davis who received the Audubon Society award for his domestically grown ghost orchid. They matter to me because I wrote the novel, Ghost Orchid, that made the "Super Ghost" that bloomed at Corkscrew Swamp famous. NPR praised the beauty of the Everglades that shines out from every page, the ghost orchid the heart and soul of the story. There are other characters! In search of the answer to the question: Is love eternal? The orchid is central to much Asian thought regarding art and its relation to character. I envy you your ikebana skills. Your photography is amazing! dkchristi at yahoo dot com

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    1. Thank you for your comment.
      This ghost orchid belongs to one of our BCOS members. She said she grew these orchids under light in her basement. I know it is very difficult to grow this kind of orchid, I can't even think about owning one of my own!
      I would like to read your book some day. Where can I find it?

      Thanks again!

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